
Last updated January 9, 2024


  1. Unlock the door on the right side

  2. Put the part that you want to sandblast inside

  3. Lock & close the door


Caution: double check to make sure the door is locked

  1. Connect the air tube to the machine

    1. Grab the blue air tube located on the right side of the machine

    2. Plug it in at the bottom right corner of the machine


    Caution: make sure it’s fully plugged in

  2. Open the air valve

    1. Horizontal: closed

    2. Vertical: open

  3. Turn on the vacuum at the left side of the machine

    1. Flip the switch to manual with full power

  4. Turn on the light located behind the machine (optional)

  5. Put both of your hands through the gloves

  6. Pull the trigger to blast out sand


    Caution: DO NOT blast it at the plastic cover

  7. Bring your part near the nozzle

    1. Keep about a half to one-inch distance from the nozzle

  8. Slowly move around the nozzle to sand your part

    1. Sand it until you have covered every angle of your part

      1. The part should change the texture (smoother) and color when it’s done properly. E.g., silver aluminum will become whiter and smoother


    Caution: Do not aim at one place for too long. Make sure you move the nozzle around.

  9. After you are satisfied with the part, reset the machine to its original state.

    1. Switch from manual to 0

      1. Turning the power to minimum is not necessary

    2. Close the air valve (horizontal)

    3. Unplug the tube from the machine

      1. Pull back the ring on the tube to release

    4. Unlock the door to retrieve your part

    5. Close and lock the door


    1. If the air or sand isn’t running, please seek help from Ms. Kuo, Mr. Hsu, or the mentors (Do not attempt to fix the issue if you don’t know how)