Rotating Sander

Last updated January 9, 2024


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Rotating sander is used for smoothing the inner edges; usually for circular holes

  1. Place your part around the cylinder.


    Caution: before you start the machine, make sure you put the part first. If you start the machine and then put the part on, you will mess up the process.

  2. Turn on the switch of the sander.

  3. The pole in the middle will begin to move. Slowly move the sander around the inside edge of the part you are sanding. Gently press down on the part and go around the perimeter evenly if it’s a circular hole.

    1. Remember, this sander is meant for sanding holes. If you need to sand surfaces or edges, check out this tutorial.

    2. Make sure to not apply too much pressure, as it may damage the part/overheat the sander.

  4. Turn off the sander.

How to change the sander’s cylinder:

  1. There are two wrenches next to the sander.

  2. Under the flat surface of the sander, you will notice two hex nuts. Use the larger wrench to secure the bottom hex, while turning the top hex clockwise.

    1. Once it gets looser, you can use your hand to turn the cylinder, while still keeping the bottom hex secured with the wrench.

  3. Once the cylinder is loose enough, you can take it out.

  4. Put the preferred cylinder where the previous one was.

  5. Secure the bottom hex with the wrench, then use your hand to turn the cylinder counter-clockwise.

    1. Once it gets tighter, use the other wrench to continue turning it counter-clockwise until it is tight.